Academy Award-winning psychological thriller stars Oscar-winner Ingrid Bergman (Casablanca, Anastasia) as a newlywed unaware that her seemingly charming husband, Charles Boyer (Four Horsemen of the...
Phoebe Titus (Academy Award-? nominee Jean Arthur 1943 Best Actress the More the Merrier) is a strong independent woman determined to make good with her freighting company in Tucson Arizona. When she...
Through impenetrable jungles. Across perilous swamps. Desperate for a second chance at life, a band of Devil's Island felons and a tough-as-nails prostitute struggle toward freedom. Film giants Clark...
Excellent screen adaptation of Jane Austen's 1813 novel about a provincial family's struggles to marry off five daughters in 19th century England. Academy Award Nominations: Best (Black-and-White)...
The first adaptation of the famous Li'l Abner comic strip, which was only 6 years into it's 43 year run at the time, has strong and simple Li'l Abner trying to avoid all things romantical, especially...