Academy Award-winning psychological thriller stars Oscar-winner Ingrid Bergman (Casablanca, Anastasia) as a newlywed unaware that her seemingly charming husband, Charles Boyer (Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse), is a crazed murderer. After they move into her familys Victorian mansion, he schemes to drive her insane while he searches for a hidden cache of rubies. Chilling and suspenseful, it was nominated for Best Picture and Script. Bergman earned a well-deserved Oscar for her performance as the vulnerable heroine. Boyer and teenage Angela Lansbury (TVs Murder, She Wrote, National Velvet) each received nominations. Directed by the great Oscar-winner George Cukor (My Fair Lady, The Philadelphia Story). With Joseph Cotton (Citizen Kane, The Magnificent Ambersons) and Oscar-nominee Dame May Whitty (Mrs. Miniver).
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