In the near future, Major (Scarlett Johansson) is the first of her kind: A human saved from a terrible crash, who is cyber-enhanced to be a perfect soldier devoted to stopping the world's most...
2009A film that has spawned a thousand imitations but never been bettered. Mamoru Oshii. S legendary anime film Ghost in the Shell returns in a stunning new edition remastered by Oshii himself. For...
Set in a futuristic Japan after the end of a brutal world war, science has advanced by leaps and bounds giving humanity the choice to prolong life and reduce suffering with the use of sophisticated...
The year is 2030, and an influx of refugees have effortlessly transformed themselves into a terrorist organization known as the "Individual Eleven." with a sadistic intent of mass destruction, will...
From groundbreaking director Mamoru Oshii comes the award-winning second installment of the high-action movie series, Ghost in the Shell. The Major is still missing, not a trace of her Ghost in the...