Trapped is the story of a high-stakes business swindle that involves financial deviousness, emotional blackmail, sexual deception, psychological coercion, fraud, forgery, extortion, intimidation, and...
After a ten-year hiatus, lawyer Ralph Anderson (Richard Widmark) returns to his hometown of Tula, California, where his father Lloyd (Carl Benton Reid) and brother Tippy (Earl Holliman) serve as the...
GHOST - DVD - After renovating their expensive loft in the TriBeCa section of Manhattan, Molly (Demi Moore) and Sam (Patrick Swayze), a young successful yuppie couple, are walking home one evening...
Hollywood star Edmond O'Brien (D.O.A.) directs his second and final film - a widescreen heist thriller shot in glorious black-and-white by legendary cinematographer, Loyal Griggs (Shane). During the...