When a gifted ghostwriter (Ewan McGregor) is hired to write the memoirs of former British Prime Minister Adam Lang (Pierce Brosnan), he quickly finds himself trapped in a web of political and sexual...
Six contestants win a competition to appear on a LIVE reality TV show at a secret location in rural England. The next ten hours will be spent on a paranormal Investigation with a TV crew searching...
The surprise hit blend of suspense, romance, and fantasy stars Patrick Swayze as New York banker Sam Wheat, who is killed during a mugging and returns to Earth with a mission: find his murderer and...
Two-time Oscar -winner* Hilary Swank stars in this gripping story of inner-city kids raised on drive-by shootings and hard-core attitude - and the teacher who gives them the one thing they need most:...
Lost since his daughter's disappearance six years ago, Guang Ning (Lei Jiayin) is approached by a well-heeled but shady benefactor with a stunning offer: He'll be reunited with his child if he...