Frank Capra meets Rod Serling in this high-concept comedy that thoroughly follows through on it's premise. As a cynical weatherman, Phil Connors (Bill Murray) finds himself trapped by a blizzard he...
The soundtrack to Groundhog Day is anything but dull, and definitely something you'd like to revisit. Includes everything from "I Got You Babe" to "Pennsylvania Polka," which is heard in the movie...
Fun-loving Groundhog Dave has come out of his shack to predict the weather... only to discover his beloved town of Bucketville has changed! The aroma of blooming flowers has been replaced by the...
Three-disc set includes: Ghostbusters (1984)Fired from their university, parapsychology professors Peter Venkman (Bill Murray), Ray Stantz (Dan Aykroyd), and Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis) become...
It's almost springtime, and the whole town eagerly awaits Groundhog Dave's annual end-of-winter presentation - but this year, Dave's had a startling premonition that foretells the end of the world!...