Paul Gilbert was a popular US comedian, film and television actor throughout the 1950's, 60's and on to the early 70's. He appeared on such classic shows as Rowan & Martin's Laugh In, the Spike...
Paul Gilbert and The Players Club / Mascot Label Group have announced the release of a new seasonal offering titled 'TWAS. Gilbert's 17th solo album features a dozen recordings, two of which are new,...
Asian edition of the second album from metal act led by French guitarist Stephan Forte includes one bonus track, 'Missa Aeterna'. Nine tracks. Himalaya. 2003.1. Next Profundis 2. Introitus / Solvet...
Limited Super Deluxe.1. Better Chords 2. Individually Twisted 3. Cut, Cut, Cut 4. Alligator Farm 5. Attitude Boy Will Overcome 6. 2 Become 1 7. Lancelot Link 8. Rosalinda Told Me 9. Let the Computer...
Collecting the straightest "blues" songs Jimi recorded, the emphasis here is on tradition rather than any type of LSD-fueled astral travel. Blues affords fans a good look at the way Hendrix was able...