This William Castle classic film noir was inspired by the real life William Desmond Taylor case. Long after a movie house was closed and boarded up due to a murder that happened there, a young...
Hollywood is my one big chance, and I'm going to grab it! Struggling Broadway chorine Dixie Dugan tells her skeptical boyfriend after a big-shot Hollywood director discovers her. Well, at least the...
Buzz (Bud Abbott) and Abercrombie (Lou Costello) work in a Tinseltown hair salon, where they usually just take a little off the side. But why not take 10% off the top instead? So the fellas become...
For 50 years, she has represented all that is good about the enduring bonds between human beings and their dogs. She first leaped to stardom in the 1943 MGM film, Lassie Come Home. At a time when...
Brad Harris, Tony Kendall. A really sleazy exploitaion film about a bunch of sleazy guys who run a sleazy white slavery operation somewhere in a sleazy part of the Orient. Harris and Kenall are the...