The Glass Family - Invisible World - Genre: Rock / Country: US / Psych rock group of the late 1960s turned disco group in the late '70s. Formed in West Los Angeles, California, USA by Ralph Parrett,...
1. A: 2. 1. Dæmoner Der Banker PÅ 3. 2. Electric Butterfly 4. 3. Please Save Me (Ovation Outsiders) 5. 4. Under Din Hud 6. B: 7. 1. Cars 8. 2. Broer Over Tomhed 9. 3. Troløs Blomst 10. 4. Be My City...
Gems from the Motown Records vault recorded from 1966-1973. Includes a mix of unreleased tracks previously only available on CD. Featuring artists such as Smokey Robinson & The Miracles, Marvin...