In God's Gun (1976), a priest and his twin brother take turns defending a small town from the vicious Clayton gang. In The Treasure of Jamaica Reef (1974), divers search for a treasure-laden Spanish...
The year is 1878, Lincoln County, John Tunstall, a British ranch owner, hires six rebellious boys as "regulators" to protect his ranch against the ruthless Santa Fe Ring. When Tunstall is killed in...
Two gunrunners travel the city, selling illegal firearms to a colorful list of highly dangerous and demented clients. Any job can be your last in this high stress, hyper-violent day job.
Having inherited a huge cattle ranch from his late father, Will Keough (Fred MacMurray) wants nothing more than to tend to his work and live in peace. But the tense situation with his two younger...
Photographed by famed cinematographer Laszlo Kovacs just before embarking on EASY RIDER (1969), Mark of the Gun is a classic western tale of outlaws and the women they love. Long considered a "lost"...