As two young girls embark on a quest for a legendary treasure, they discover an even more valuable prize - the enduring power of loyalty and friendship. Together they trace the legend of Molly...
Wealthy and recently divorced Julia Day (Julia Ormond) wasn't looking to be swept off her feet by the handsome and half-her-age Benjamin Greene (Ben Barnes), but it happened. The situation doesn't...
What's a chorine to do after her show flops? Become a gold digger! The cuties do so en masse as the Gold Diggers of 1937, kicking Depression Era blues in the keister. Dick Powell plays an insurance...
Imani has her life turned upside down after she gets fired from her job, but finds a wealthy sugar daddy who offers to take care of her. But after she is brutally victimized by the man and his crew,...
A Broadway producer has the talent, the tunes, the theater and everything else he needs to put on a show - except the dough. Not to worry, say Ginger Rogers and the other leggy chorines decked out in...