Contains 10 of his most classic hits.1. Walkin' the Floor Over You 2. Mean Mama Blues 3. Our Baby's Book 4. You Nearly Lose Your Mind 5. Soldier's Last Letter 6. Tomorrow Never Comes 7. It's Been So...
Ranglin,Ernest Guitar In Ernest CD1. Soul de Ern 2. Cherokee 3. Ernest's Tune 4. Green Dolphin Street 5. Jordu 6. Ernest's Delight 7. One for Robby 8. Angelima 9. Chow Mein
Ashworth,Ernest Best Of Ernest Ashworth CD1. Talk Back Trembling Lips 2. I Love to Dance with Annie 3. Everybody But Me 4. I Take the Chance 5. The DJ Cried 6. A Week in the Country 7. Pushed in a...