Donna Stern (Jenny Slate) is a Brooklyn comedian who gets heartlessly 'dumped up with' by her two-timing boyfriend. While trying to drown her troubles at the stand-up comedy club, she has a drunken...
Saddled with the traumas of an orphanage upbringing, young nurse Cherry Holly (Mar?a Camila P?rez) took a job offer from the eccentric Naomi Hallewell (Fiona Horsey) to come to her remote manse and...
In a distant future, ex-military Kane Sommerville (Daniel MacPherson) makes a good living for a corporation that terraforms distant planets for colonization. However, his bosses' business plan...
In a tale of twisted sex, religion and family, a mother and daughter finally stop fighting and team up - first to overcome their bitter differences; then to try to end a sexual curse that has plagued...
The Buddhist concept of reincarnation, while both mysterious and enchanting, is hard for most Westerners to grasp. Unmistaken Child follows the 4-year-search for the reincarnation of Lama Konchog, a...