This insightful program explores children's fascination with dinosaurs and how Hollywood has brought the beasts to life. This documentary also examines the history of dinosaurs in Hollywood, from the...
Four-disc set includes: Elephant Walk (1954)At first thrilled with the prospect of living at the ancestral Ceylon tea plantation of new husband John (Peter Finch), Englishwoman Ruth Wiley (Elizabeth...
It was said of him that in more than seventy films, he never once gave a bad performance. He was a charming and unconventional man with a wild streak and a compulsion to test himself at every turn...
This DVD features Nashville Pussy rifling through 19 blistering songs at the Key Club in Hollywood. Blaine Cartwright, Ruyter Suys, Jeremy Thompson, and newcomer Karen Cuda, give the crowd exactly...
Free-wheeling sex romps! Blood-soaked terror tales! High-octane extravaganzas! Welcome to Not Quite Hollywood, the wild, wonderful story of "Ozploitation" films. Join Quentin Tarantino, Jamie Lee...