Soledad La Sole CD1. Que Nadie Sepa Mi Sufrir 2. Las Moras 3. Ando Por la Huella 4. Del Norte Cordovs 5. Enero 6. Chilenito de Pucn 7. Kilmetro 11 8. La Carta Prdida 9. Si de Cantar Se Trata 10. Mano...
Soledad Soledad CD1. Propiedad Privada 2. De Mi Pueblo 3. De Mi Madre 4. Amutuy - Soledad 5. El Que Toca Nunca Baila 6. Cantar 7. Chacarera Del Cardenal 8. Luna Cautiva 9. Carta a Un Amigo 10. Jos...
Parade is back. In fact, he didn't really go at all, or even think about retiring to his Fortress of Solitude, just like his favorite hero Superman, because he doesn't live there anymore Antonio...
Larralde,Jose De Hablarle A La Soledad CD1. Hoy He Vuelto a la Luz 2. De Hablarte a la Soledad 3. Una Quietud de Nada 4. Las Aves Vuelven Sin Ti 5. Serenata 6. Pa' Darse Entero 7. Mi Libro de Otono 8...
Hailing from Brazil, pianist/composer Vitor Gon?alves came to be a part of the bustling scene and has ended up bringing a vital new voice to the fore. His 2017 debut recording Vitor Gon?alves Quartet...