A globe-spanning collaboration featuring remixes that organically expand the palette of Gong Gong Gong into ambient club tracks, thumping dance music, cinematic soundscapes, and doomy bit-crushed...
The 2021 Dream Unending debut album Tide Turns Eternal was a marked shift in musical ambition for Derrick Vella (Tomb Mold) and Justin DeTore (Innumerable Forms, Sumerlands). While structured with a...
1. The End of Everything 2. Rain 3. Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr 4. Drowned and Torn Asunder 5. Ascendancy 6. A Gunshot to the Head of Trepidation 7. Like Light to the Flies 8. Dying in...
Double vinyl LP pressing. 2019 release. Ascend is the third full length studio album from Illenium released on Astralwerks. The 17-track album features songs from Good Things Fall Apart featuring Jon...