When a bullied young girl with a mentally unstable mother reaches her breaking point, she finds refuge in the company of an eccentric, wealthy bachelor who encourages her to believe in herself and...
From South Korea comes this wild take on Sergio Leone's classic spaghetti Western the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. It's 1930s Manchuria and greed is in the air. A manic outlaw, a nasty holy man and a...
Whitesnake explores the group's 2008 return with the upcoming retrospective, STILL GOOD TO BE BAD. The music will be available in different configurations on April 28, a few days after the original...
Tracks include: "Sentenza," "Fuga a Cavaloo," "Padre Ramirez," "Marcetta," "Inseguimento," "Fine Di Una Spia," "Morte Di Un Soldato," "Marcetta Senza Speranoza," all music performed by Ennio...
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day is a 2014 American comedy film directed by Miguel Arteta from a screenplay written by Rob Lieber. The film stars Steve Carell, Jennifer...