A mysterious, yet charming woman arrives in a small town and causes a stir when people think she is an actual witch. The town's moral committee, lead by the mayor's wife, becomes convinced that she...
More charming and comical situations are conjured up in this fourth film in the Hallmark Channel's "Good Witch" series, as fetching sorceress Cassie (Catherine Bell) settles down with new police...
Another year in Middleton, Cassie and Sam transition into life as empty nesters, Abigail and Donovan navigate new territory amongst our favorite Middletonians.
Cassie Nightingale (Catherine Bell) and Dr. Sam Radford (James Denton) plan their wedding while helping Grace (Bailee Madison) and Nick mend their friendship before they blend their families. Cassie...
Good witch Cassie Nightingale (Catherine Bell) continues to cast an entertaining spell over viewers in this continuation of the charming made-for-TV movie series. Here, Cassie and her teen daughter...