A well-respected trainer who is estranged from his daughter reluctantly agrees to train a female boxer after he is impressed with her dedication and will. The two form a fragile bond of friendship as...
Clint Eastwood, Bee Vang, Ahney Her. This powerful drama finds Eastwood playing Walt Kowalski, a widowed Korean war vet, whose next door neighbor Thao, a Hmong teenager, is pressured by a local gang...
At the early age of 19 years old Divine Brown was turned out by young pimp daddy Gangsta Brown. She was a top hooker in a 12 women stable. While working in Hollywood she was arrested by LAPD turning...
From the studio that brought you REMEMBER THE TITANS and MIRACLE comes Million Dollar Arm - a true inspirational story of self-discovery, second chances and personal triumph in the face of adversity...