Portland homicide detective Nick Burkhardt is back, but not exactly himself; as Grimm returns for another 22 hair-raising episodes. With his abilities manifesting in new and unusual ways, Nick is...
Now that the nefarious forces of Black Claw have been silenced, Nick (David Giuntoli) faces an all too familiar foe in Captain Sean Renard (Sasha Roiz). Having gained a seat of power as the...
At the heels of his mother's beheading and Juliette's "death," Nick's life has taken a turn he never expected. Having lost so much, Nick must now come to grips with fathering a child with his once...
GRIMM is back, and delves even deeper into the unseen evils around US in all 22 Season Two episodes. Now fully embracing his identity as a Grimm, Portland homicide detective Nick Burkhardt tackles...
CHOPPER ONE is a fast-paced action series set over the skies of Los Angeles. Don (Jim McMullan) and Gil (Dirk Benedict, "The A-Team") fly over the City of Angels, going places no police car can go...