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Since their inception in 1990, German band Disbelief drew an immediate roaring response from the press with a series of remarquable demo tapes leading to getting signed and touring extensively with bands like BOLT THROWER, SIX FEET UNDER, DEATH ANGEL among others and playing major festivals. Being on hiatus since 2010 after some line up changes, Disbelief came back on the battlefield more armed than ever with a much acclaimed album : "The Symbol Of Death" (via Listenable records). It showcased a band with an implacable conviction and determination. During their 30 year existence, Disbelief have been exploring the depths of sonic depravity, and while injecting their own equitable sense of groove and harmony, they definitely have been embodying what gruesome old school heavy death metal is about. In September 2019, Disbelief entered Rambado studios in Essen (Germany) with producer Cornelius Rambadt and recorded their 11th album. It was then mastered by Dennis K?hne who also handled their previous album outrageously authoritative powerful sound. Entitled "The Ground Collapses", it Truly is a high standard relentless Monster of a record by all accounts. Disbelief is a genuine individual grinding force and "The Ground Collapses" is the ultimate soundtrack to the apocalypse !
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