Bill Murray is at his wry, wisecracking best in this riotous romantic comedy about a weatherman caught in a personal time warp on the worst day of his life. Teamed with a relentlessly cheerful...
The soundtrack to Groundhog Day is anything but dull, and definitely something you'd like to revisit. Includes everything from "I Got You Babe" to "Pennsylvania Polka," which is heard in the movie...
Frank Capra meets Rod Serling in this high-concept comedy that thoroughly follows through on it's premise. As a cynical weatherman, Phil Connors (Bill Murray) finds himself trapped by a blizzard he...
Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell. After 15 years, TV weatherman Phil Conors is still hilariously repeating the same day over and over. However, this time around you'll get an interview with director...