Our Friend tells the true, inspiring, heartbreaking and beguiling story of the Teague family-journalist Matt (Casey Affleck), his vibrant wife Nicole (Dakota Johnson) and their two young...
Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph and Jon Hamm star alongside Jennifer Westfeldt and Adam Scott in is a daring and hilarious ensemble comedy about a close-knit circle of friends whose lives change once they...
Emma is a married artist struggling with mental illness who lives in the same mansion she grew up in; where during her traumatic childhood with an abusive father, she relied on an imaginary friend...
The star has injured an ankle, but the show - and inexperienced stage assistant Polly Browne - must go on. Break a leg, kid. And don't let the presence of Hollywood director and talent scout Mr. de...
Paula (Goldie Hawn) and Richard (Burt Reynolds) are a happy, successful Hollywood screenwriting team. They know and love each other, and live together. So why, already, did they get married and spoil...