Two elderly World War II buddies are living - and dying - together in their small home. One becomes a patient where salvage-worthy, older attributes are combined with useable, younger body parts. He...
As Fernanda (Rooney Mara) enters her senior year at Tanner Hall - a sheltered boarding school in New England - she's faced with unexpected changes in her group of friends when a childhood...
Considered to be "Woody Allen's breakthrough movie" (Time), Annie Hall won* four Oscars?, including Best Picture, and established Allen as the premier auteur filmmaker. Thought by many critics to be...
In this tense, stylish noir thriller, Terry (Danny Pino, TV's Cold Case) follows his Fiance, June (Brittany Murphy, the Ramen Girl, 8 Mile), to a seedy hotel where she's meeting another man. Drunk...
Tired of struggling to be an actress, Reese Holden (Zooey Deschanel) leaves New York and returns to her Michigan home. She has a cash advance from a book editor who wants to publish the love letters...