Magical Christmas Ornaments: Publishing executive Marie finds her Christmas spirit reawakened as her mother begins sending her the family's ornaments. As each ornament arrives, it brings a positive...
Deliver by Christmas: Sparks fly when bakery owner Molly meets newcomer Josh but Molly is also enchanted by a mysterious client whom she's never met in person. The Christmas Ring: Kendra (Nazneen...
A Cheerful Christmas: While doing her job to deliver the most magical Christmas ever to a royal couple, Lauren finds herself falling for their son who soon shares her love of everything Christmas...
Christmas On My Mind: A bump on the head, an unexplained wedding dress and temporary short-term amnesia lead Lucy Lovett on a search for the truth about her breakup with longtime sweetheart Zach...
Sweet Autumn: Maggie returns home for the reading of her Aunt Dee's will to fi nd she inherited half of her aunt's popular candy shop along with maple farmer, Dex. As Maggie and Dex spend more time...