Autumn In The City: Optimistic Piper gives herself two months to find her passion in New York City. As she bounces between temp jobs, she and her jaded neighbor discover the beauty of the city...
Christmas Tree Lane: Music store owner Meg spearheads community efforts to save her street from demolition. She's shocked to find out that the man she's falling for is actually working for the...
Time For Him To Come Home For Christmas: Four days before Christmas, Elizabeth receives a voicemail from a number she doesn't recognize. On the message, a man she doesn't know makes one final plea to...
Nostaglic Christmas: Anne Garrison's annual holiday visit to the small town in Maine where she grew up is somewhat bittersweet this year. With her dad set to sell his toy store and retire from his...
3 CLASSIC CHRISTMAS FILMS FROM THE HALLMARK CHANNEL... Holiday Date Brooke is dumped right before Christmas and enlists the help of actor Joel to play the role of her boyfriend for the holidays...