Handel / Sixteen / Christophers Handel Collection CD

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Handel / Sixteen / Christophers Handel Collection CD

1. Overture 2. This Day, a Solemn Feast to Dagon Held 3. Awake the Trumpet's Lofty Sound! 4. Ye Men of Gaza 5. Awake the Trumpet's Lofty Sound! 6. Loud As the Thunder's Awful Voice 7. Then Free from Sorrow, Free from Thrall 8. Awake the Trumpet's Lofty Sound! 9. Why By An Angel Was My Birth Foretold 10. Torments Alas! Are Not Confin'd 11. O Change Beyond Report, Thought, or Belief! 12. O Mirror of Our Fickle State 13. Whom Have I to Complain of But Myself 14. Totel Eclipse! 15. Since Light So Necessary Is to Life 16. Oh First Created Beam! 17. Ye See, My Friends, How Woes Enclosed Me Round 18. Brethren and Men of Dan, Say, Where Is My Son 19. Oh Miserable Change! 20. Oh Ever Failing Trust in Mortal Strength! 21. God of Our Fathers, What Is Man? 22. The Good We Wish for, Often Proves Our Bane 23. Thy Glorious Deeds Inspir'd My Tongue 24. Justly These Evils Have Befall'n Thy Son 25. My Griefs for This 26. Why Does the God of Israel Sleep? 27. These Lies Our Hope! 28. Then Shall They Know 29. For Thee, My Dearest Son 30. Then Long Eternity Shall Greet Your Bliss 31. Then Round About the Starry Throne 32. Despair Not Thus! 33. Just Are the Ways of God to Man 34. My Evils Hopeless Are! 35. Return, Oh God of Hosts! - to Dust His Glory 36. But Who Is This, That So Bedeck'd and Gay 37. With Plaintive Notes and Am'rous Moan 38. Alas! Th'event Was Worse Than I Foresaw 39. Your Charms to Ruin Led the Way 40. Forgive What's Done, Nor Think of What's Past Cure 41. My Faith and Truth - Her Faith and Truth 42. To Fleeting Pleasures Make Your Court - Her Faith and Truth 43. Ne'er Think of That! 44. Traitor to Love! - She's Gone! 45. It Is Not Virtue, Valour, Wit 46. Favour'd of Heaven Is He 47. To Man God's Universal Law 48. No Words of Peace 49. Honour and Arms Scorn Such a Foe 50. Put on Your Arms 51. My Strength Is from the Living God 52. With Thee! a Man Condemn'd 53. Go, Baffled Coward, Go 54. Here Lie the Proof 55. Hear, Jacob's God, Jehovah 56. Dagon, Arise! 57. To Song and Dance We Give the Day 58. To Song and Dance We Give the Day 59. Fix'd in His Everlasting Seat 60. More Trouble Is Behind 61. Presuming Slave, to Move Their Wrath 62. Reflect Then, Samson, Matters Now Are Strain'd 63. With Thunder Arm'd Great God, Arise! 64. Be of Good Courage 65. Thus When the Sun From's Wat'ry Bed 66. With Might Endued Above the Sons of Men 67. The Holy One of Israel Be Thy Guide - to Fame Immortal Go 68. Old Manoa, with Youthful Steps, Makes Haste 69. Great Dagon Has Subdued Our Foe 70. What Noise of Joy Was That? 71. How Willing My Paternal Love 72. Your Hopes of His Deliv'ry Seem Not Vain - Hear Us, Our God! 73. Noise Call You This 74. Where Shall I Run 75. Ye Sons of Israel, Now Lament - Weep Israel 76. Proceed We Hence to Find His Body 77. Dead March 78. The Body Comes 79. Glorious Hero, May Thy Grave Peace 80. Come! No Time for Lamentation Now 81. Let the Bright Seraphim in Burning Row 82. Now There Arose a New King Over Egypt 83. And the Children of Israel Sighed 84. Then Sent He Moses 85. They Loathed to Drink of the River 86. Their Land Brought Forth Frogs 87. He Spake the Word 88. He Gave Them Hailstones for Rain 89. He Sent a Thick Darkness Over All the Land 90. He Smote All the First-Born of Egypt 91. But As for His People 92. Egypt Was Glad When They Departed 93. He Rebuked the Red Sea 94. He Led Them Through the Deep 95. But the Waters Overwhelmed Their Enemies 96. And Israel Saw That Great Work 97. And Believed the Lord 98. Larghetto 99. Moses and the Children of Israel 100. I Will Sing Unto the Lord 101. He Is My God 102. And I Will Exalt Him 103. The Lord Is a Man of War 104. The Depths Have Covered Them 105. Thy Right Hand, O Lord 106. And in the Greatness of Thine Excellency 107. Thou Sentest Forth Thy Wrath 108. And with the Blast of Thy Nostrils 109. The People Shall Hear 110. Largo 111. The Lord Shall Reign for Ever and Ever 112. For the Horse of Pharaoh 113. The Lord Shall Reign for Ever and Ever 114. And Miriam the Prophetess 115. Sing Ye to the Lord 116. Overture 117. 'Tis Greater Far to Spare 118. Pluck Root and Branch from Out the Land 119. Our Souls with Ardour Glow 120. Shall We the God of Israel Fear? 121. Now Persecution Shall Lay By Her Iron Rod 122. Tune Your Harps to Cheerful Strains 123. Shall We of Servitude Complain 124. Praise the Lord with Cheerful Noise 125. O God, Who from the Sucklings's Mouth 126. Sing Songs of Praise, Bow Down the Knee 127. Shall We of Servitude Complain 128. How Have Our Sins Provoked the Lord 129. Ye Sons of Israel Mourn 130. O Jordan, Jordan, Sacred Tide 131. Ye Sons of Israel Mourn 132. Andante - Anthony Robson 133. Allegro - Anthony Robson 134. Adagio - Anthony Robson 135. Allegro - Anthony Robson 136. Why Sits That Sorrow on Thy Brow? 137. Dread Not, Righteous Queen, the Danger 138. I Go Before the King to Stand 139. Tears Assist Me, Pity Moving 140. Save Us, O Lord 141. Who Dares Intrude Into Our Presence 142. Who Calls My Parting Soul from Death? 143. O Beauteous Queen, Unclose Those Eyes! 144. If I Find Favour in Thy Sight 145. How Can I Stay When Love Invites? 146. With Inward Joy His Visage Glows 147. Virtue, Truth and Innocence 148. Jehovah, Crown'd with Glory Bright 149. He Comes, He Comes to End Our Woes 150. Now, O Queen, Thy Suit Declare 151. Turn Not, O Queen, Thy Face Away 152. Flatt'ring Tongue, No More I Hear Thee! 153. Guards, Seize the Traitor, Bear Him Hence! 154. How Art Thou Fall'n from Thy Height! 155. The Lord Our Enemy Has Slain 156. Sinfonia - Sarah Connolly 157. Sta Nell' Ircana - Sarah Connolly 158. Mi Lusingha Il Dolce Affetto - Sarah Connolly 159. Arrival of the Queen of Sheba - Sarah Connolly 160. Will the Sun Forget to Streak? - Sarah Connolly 161. Sinfonia - Sarah Connolly 162. Scherzo Infida - Sarah Connolly 163. Dopo Notte - Sarah Connolly 164. Entree Des Songes Agreables - Sarah Connolly 165. Verdi Prati - Sarah Connolly 166. Sinfonia - Sarah Connolly 167. Cease, Ruler of the Day - Sarah Connolly 168. Where Shall I Fly - Sarah Connolly 169. Overture 170. 'Twas at the Royal Feast 171. Happy, Happy, Happy Pair 172. Timotheus Plac'd on High 173. Allegro - Andrew Lawrence-King 174. Larghetto - Andrew Lawrence-King 175. Piano Concerto No. 1 in C minor, Op. 35 - Andrew Lawrence-King 176. Let Old Timotheus Yield the Prize 177. The List'ning Crowd 178. With Ravish'd Ears 179. The Praise of Bacchus 180. Bacchus, Ever Fair and Young 181. Sooth'd with the Sound 182. He Chose a Mournful Muse 183. He Sung Darius Great and Good 184. With Downcast Looks 185. Behold Darius Great and Good 186. The Mighty Master Smil'd to See 187. Softly Sweet 188. War, He Sung, Is Toil and Trouble 189. The Many Rend the Skies 190. The Prince, Unable to Conceal 191. The Many Rend the Skies 192. Now Strike the Golden Lyre 193. Revenge, Revenge, Timotheus Cries 194. Give the Vengeance Due 195. The Princes Applaud with a Furious Joy 196. Thais Led the Way 197. Thus Long Ago 198. At Last Divine Cecilia Came 199. The Song Began from Jove 200. Let Old Timotheus Yield the Prize 201. Larghetto E Staccato - Paul Nicholson 202. Allegro - Paul Nicholson 203. Adagio - Paul Nicholson 204. Andante - Paul Nicholson 205. Your Voices 206. Clori, Mia Bella Clori - Ann Murray 207. Chiari Lumi - Ann Murray 208. Temo Ma Pure Io Spero - Ann Murray 209. Ne'gigli E Nelle Rose - Ann Murray 210. Non E Pero - Ann Murray 211. Mie Pupille - Ann Murray 212. Tu, Nobil Alma - Ann Murray 213. Di Gelosia Il Timore - Ann Murray 214. Dietro, L'orme Fugaci - Ann Murray 215. Ah, Crudele - Ann Murray 216. Per Te Mi Struggo - Ann Murray 217. O Voi, Dell'incostante - Ann Murray 218. Venti, Fermate, Si - Ann Murray 219. Ma Che Parlo - Ann Murray 220. In Tanti Affanni Miei - Ann Murray 221. Introduction - Ann Murray 222. Da Quel Giorno Fatale - Ann Murray 223. Un Pensiero Voli in Ciel - Ann Murray 224. Ma Fermati, Pensier - Ann Murray 225. Per Te Lasciai la Luce - Ann Murray 226. Non Ti Bastava, Ingrato - Ann Murray 227. Lascia Omai - Ann Murray 22

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