Esmerine Lost Voices CD1. The Neighbourhoods Rise 2. A River Runs Through This City 3. Pas Trop Pas Tropes 4. 19/14 5. A Trick of the Light 6. My Mamma Pinned a Rose on Me 7. Funambule (Deux Pas de...
O'Connell,Bill Lost Voices CD1. Lost Voices 2. Yellowtail 3. Good Enough 4. Chega de Saudade (No More Blues) 5. Costa Verde 6. Sidestep 7. Sand Stones 8. Sophia Rose 9. In Time
Sprout,Tobin Lost Planets & Phantom Voices CD1. Indian Ink 2. Doctor #8 3. Catch the Syun 4. All Those Things We've Done 5. Martini 6. Rub Your Buddha Tummy 7. Courage the Tack 8. Earth Links 9...