In this special effects-filled version of Shirley Jackson's "The Haunting of Hill House," Liam Neeson is professor David Marrow, who recruits three people for experiments which he claims will help...
Harper (Katie Stevens) and her roommate Bailey (Lauryn Alisa McClain) go out to celebrate Halloween with two other friends Mallory (Schuyler Helford) and Angela (Shazi Raja). While Harper is...
Innocent people are brutally killed on the streets of New York by a uniformed police officer. A young cop, Jack Forrest (Bruce Campbell, TV's BURN NOTICE and the EVIL DEAD trilogy), finds himself...
Meet the Tampa Police Departments newest recruit: He's fearless. He's relentless. He's... eight years old! Director Henry Winkler serves up a hilarious action-packed treat the whole family will love,...
An ancient evil stalks and claims the souls of anyone who awakens it's presence. Harlow's Haunt takes place in dual timelines beginning in 1926 where we learn of Harlow Greer's true colors...