Haunted Honeymoon is a horror comedy film starring Gene Wilder, Gilda Radner, Dom DeLuise, and Jonathan Pryce. Wilder also served as the film's writer and director. The film also marked Radner's...
Professor Tidewater, whose hobby is debunking fanciful ghost stories, has come to the secluded English country to visit Castle Benmore to investigate a local ghostly legend. Sakee an old Indian...
John Harrington (Stephen Forsyth) and his wife, Mildred (Laura Betti), run an exclusive salon devoted to wedding apparel for women. Although he seems a harmless fashion designer, John is actually a...
Newlyweds Paul and Bea travel to a remote lake countryside for their honeymoon. Shortly after arriving, Paul finds Bea sleepwalking in the woods. As her behavior becomes increasingly peculiar, Paul...
Harper (Katie Stevens) and her roommate Bailey (Lauryn Alisa McClain) go out to celebrate Halloween with two other friends Mallory (Schuyler Helford) and Angela (Shazi Raja). While Harper is...