In recent times Haydn's "Seven Last Words" have enjoyed increasing levels of fame and popularity. These intimate seven adagios show a contemplative, deeply introspective side of Haydn which many were...
Schutz / Arns Nova Copenhagen / Hillier Die Sieben Worte Jesu Christi Am Kreuz CD1. Introitus: Da Jesus An Dem Kreuze Stund 2. Symphonia 3. Und Es War Um Die Dritte Stunde (Evangelist) 4. Es Stund...
A soloist's career path can often be a lonely one, especially for an exceptional instrumental soloist like Felix Klieser. It is then all the more inspiring when over the course of many years playing...
In this new recording the prestigious Tetzlaff Quartett presents a program of String Quartets by Franz Schubert and Joseph Haydn in exemplary performances. Praised by The New York Times for their...