By the power of Grayskull, you will thrill to these animated tales of swords and sorcery that ran from 1983-1985. Based on the popular line of toys, the series was set on the planet Eternia, where...
For their final screen pairing (out of seven), Joan Blondell and James Cagney deliver up the goods in an altogether different style in this moving and downbeat doomed romance made during the waning...
CHARMING HONG KONG ROMANTIC FARCE IN THE TRADITION OF VICTOR/VICTORIA Pop music super fan Lam Chi Wing disguises herself as a man so she can meet her idol, Rose, at an audition for male singers being...
Planet Eternia and the Castle of Greyskull are under threat from the evil Skeleton who wants to take over the planet. A group of freedom fighters, led by the heroic He-Man are accidentally...
As twins Prince Adam and Princess Adora (aka He-Man and She-Ra) celebrate their birthday on Eternia, bumbling sorcerer Orko is accidentally transported to Earth during the holiday season. After...