Richards Crane, a brand new project birthed from Ugly Kid Joe frontman Whitfield Crane and guitarist/vocalist Lee Richards (Another Animal, Godsmack, Dropbox), are preparing for the release of their...
Screw Heads Best Of Both Worlds CD1. Intro 2. Block Music 3. Swing in - Swing Lo 4. Get Yo Mind Right 5. Freestyle 6. Game Like I'm 50 7. Can't Do Nothin 4 Me 8. My Dawgz 9. We Luv Dat 10. Everybody...
Wake The President Zumutung CD1. She Fell Into My Arms 2. Your Expressions 3. In Youth There Is Pleasure 4. This Is New 5. A Messiah Complex 6. Elaine 7. The Last Exit for the Lost 8. E.T 9. Sort of...