The credits on Days in Frames are a veritable who's who in Canadian music, with contributions from Ron Sexsmith, Dan Hill, drummer Rob Kloet (the Nits), violinist Hugh Marsh and, overseeing the...
Current member of The Barenaked Ladies and former member of the Rheostatics, Kevin Hearn is a veteran of the Canadian Music pantheon. Now he has returned with the release of a solo collection of...
Three days. Three locations. Three pianos. Three hours on each. I was told where and when the piano would be ready. I would go, play, and leave. Very little was said. All pieces were improvised...
Created with poet/librettist Saul Williams, Ted Hearne's newest album, Place, considers gentrification through an inspired oratorio originally commissioned by the Los Angeles Philharmonic, The...
New Day (Sunnyside - 2015). Coming in early 2015, Kevin's latest is an eclectic and mainly electric blast with the New Day Trio (featuring Rob Jost and Greg Joseph) and special guests Gregoire Maret...