Nickelodeon's animated series comes to the big screen as fourth-grader Arnold, best buddy Gerald and the rest of the gang face an industrialist with plans to bring the wrecking ball down on Arnold's...
He's your typical 9-year-old who lives with his grandparents in an inner-city boarding house, is the unwilling boyfriend of a bossy girl named Helga Pataki, and has a head shaped like a football...
Greatness is more than individual excellence, it expands our definition of the possible. When we celebrate the greats, we celebrate ourselves. Every personal triumph is a win for humanity at large...
In the early years of the Republic, China has been plunged into chaos as feuding warlords battle to expand their power and their lands. Young army leader Hou Chieh (Andy Lau) and his sworn brother...
This non-stop thrill ride of frights and chills follows a group of four teenagers who decide to spend the night in a travelling carnival's funhouse. When a deformed man begins brutally murdering them...