Leif Erickson, Cameron Mitchell, Mark Slade, Henry Darrow, and Linda Cristal star in The High Chaparral, the Emmy-nominated Western drama from David Dortort, the producer of Bonanza. Deep in the...
This 1967-71 NBC western series from "Bonanza" creator David Dortort was set on a ranch called the High Chaparral located in the Arizona Territory in the 1870s. His wife killed in an Apache attack,...
This 1967-71 NBC western series from "Bonanza" creator David Dortort was set on a ranch called the High Chaparral located in the Arizona Territory in the 1870s. His wife killed in an Apache attack,...
This 1967-71 NBC western series from "Bonanza" creator David Dortort was set on a ranch called the High Chaparral located in the Arizona Territory in the 1870s. His wife killed in an Apache attack,...
BID FAREWELL TO YOUR FAVORITE ZIP CODE Say goodbye to 90210, the zip code with more money, drama, and passion than any other! This enticing fifth and final season brings shocking new challenges to...