Soar Into Skies on a Thrilling Airborne Adventure in This Meticulously Restored John Wayne Film Classic. In One of His Most Memorable Screen Roles, Wayne Plays Dan Roman, a Veteran Pilot Haunted By a Tragic Past. Now Relegated to Second-In-Command Cockpit Assignments, He Finds Himself Scheduled on a Routine Honolulu-To-San Francisco Flight - One That Takes a Terrifying, Suspense-Building Turn When Disaster Strikes High Above the Pacific Ocean at the Point of No Return. A 'Who's Who' of Hollywood Greats - Claire Trevor, Laraine Day, Robert Stack, Jan Sterling, Phil Harris and Robert Newton, Among Others - Are Aboard for This Celebrated Drama Bursting with Conflict and Excitement. Nominated for 6 Academy Awards, Including Best Director (William a. Wellman) and Two Best Supporting Actress Nods (Trevor and Sterling), the Film Nabbed the Oscar for Dimitri Tiomkin's Unforgettable Musical Score.
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