FREEDOM FIGHTERS: THE RAY Born on a parallel Earth where the Axis won World War II, reporter Ray Terrill (voiced by Russell Tovey) was exposed to radiation that gave him incredible light-based powers...
Happily engaged to her handsome fiance, Charles, Fanny is soon hit with one misfortune after another until she is forced to become a prostitute to survive. This is the story, with many erotic asides,...
Based on the popular horror game, Radha Mitchell (Man on Fire) and Sean Bean (National Treasure) star in this action thriller about a town possessed by the damned and a mother who must survive it in...
HAMBURGER HILL - Blu-ray - The men of Bravo Company are facing a battle that's all up hill... up Hamburger Hill. Fourteen war-weary soldiers are battling for a mud covered mound of earth so named...