An iconic Hawaiian entertainer, Clara Inter (1901-1979) captivated audiences in her native territory and across the North American mainland. Wearing an oversize muumuu and sporting a thick floral lei...
Detroit singer Hattie Littles recorded 10 singles for the Motown label during the 1960's which showcased her powerful, gospel influenced voice. She was rediscovered in the mid-1980's by the famed...
Cloud Room Cloud Room CD1. Hey Now Now 2. Waterfall 3. Blackout! 4. Devoured in Peace 5. Sunlight Song 6. Beautiful Mess 7. Hunger 8. O My Love 9. Blue Jean 10. Sunlight Reprise 11. We Sleep in the...
World-renowned, horn-fueled "little big band" releases their first release in seven years and their first new studio recording in nine. Roomful of Blues have over 364,000 career scans, even though...