The Hitch-Hiker is a film noir inspired by the crime spree of the psychopathic murderer Billy Cook (1928-1952). The film was regarded as the first American mainstream film directed by a woman and was...
Two of Edmond O'Brien's classic features: D.O.A. and THE HITCH-HIKER. D.O.A. is the classic drama of suspense with Edmond O'Brien giving one of his finest performances as Frank Bigelow, a real-estate...
Based on the facts of the Billy Cook killing spree of the early '50s, this riveting film noir classic follows two family men on a fishing trip as they make the deadly mistake of picking up a...
Emmett Myers (William Talman), a killer on the run from the police, gets picked up by two men (Edmond O'Brien, Frank Lovejoy) on their way to a weekend fishing trip. The depraved hitchhiker Myers is...
Based on the facts of the Billy Cook killing spree of the early '50s, this riveting film noir classic follows two family men on a fishing trip as they make the deadly mistake of picking up a...