Richard Basehart delivers an incendiary performance as history's most notorious madman in this searing expose of the private life of Adolf Hitler. A semi-factual account of the Fuehrer's rise and...
Like a matador confronting a bull, the artist approaches his easel. As he wields his brush, the painting dances into being before our eyes. Pablo Picasso, the most influential artist of the 20th...
Like many artists of the post-WWI era, Pablo Picasso fell under the spell of the French Riviera. The blue intensity of the Mediterranean, it's rugged coasts, balmy weather, and sunfilled days...
Canvas, color, metal, ceramics. The century's leading artist commanded them all. But what about the legendary Pablo Picasso's other great passion? Was romance also dominated by his genius? Academy...
Pablo Picasso was avant-garde and traditional, a legend whose paintings almost everyone can visualize today. His works and character had an enormous influence on 20th century art. Didier...