2019 release. The overall proceedings, as produced by Corey Wong, reveal a controlled yet freewheeling energy, one that revolves around a love of soul-oriented sounds and lyricism. The flavor of Need...
1. Invisible 2. Drifting - By Plumb ; Dan Haseltine 3. Beautiful 4. One Drop 5. I Want You Here 6. Say Your Name 7. Unlovable 8. Need You Now (How Many Times) 9. Chocolate ; Ice Cream 10. Don't...
Colored vinyl LP reissue of 2003's Everything You Need, the album that catapulted Slightly Stoopid into a legendary band. Built on a bedrock of nasty, oceanic slabs of dubby bass, meditative vocal...
By the 1979 release of Whatever You Need, the Elcados were ready to party. 'We got rhythm, we got sound," they declare on 'Funky Music'. 'You're going to dig it!' Starting out as the Moonrakers in...