John Muller (Paul Henried), a career criminal on the run after a botched casino robbery, finds the ultimate hideout by taking on another man's identity. Produced by Henried and directed by low budget...
Hollow Triumph: A medical school drop out and crook plans a holdup that goes wrong. He ends up being chased by a gangster and takes on a new identity thinking it is the solution, but of course it is...
Bullet Scars - DVD - In this original screenplay by Robert E. Kent, the drama takes place at the hideout of Frank Dillon. When fellow gangster, Joe Madison, is wounded during an attempted bank...
This confrontational coming-of-age thriller is a haunting look into the destruction of innocence and the depths of fear. When a gang of raucous teens play hooky in the woods, they cross paths with a...
German - English subtitled - The film, realized by Paul Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, was created to influence all of Germany to support the...