Dirty Lungs Dirty Lungs CD1. I Suck in Bed 2. All My Cats 3. Dead in the Graveyard 4. Crazy (Don't You Die) 5. Woman 6. It's All Melted 7. Don't Fucking Remind Me 8. Space, Man 9. Untitled
2022 release. It's been over five years since White Lung released any new material. After their explosive break-out album in 2014, Deep Fantasy, and the critically acclaimed follow-up, Paradise, the...
WHITE LUNG, are back with their sophomore release, Sorry. Their 2010 debut It's the Evil earned them the title as the primary ambassadors for Canada's emergent punk scene receiving critical acclaim...
Murdock Dead Lung CD1. Deer Noises 2. I Am Not a Continent 3. What You Don't Like 4. Erk 5. Narrowcasting 6. 51 West 95th St 7. Brain Face 8. The Signal in the Noise 9. Leave Me Here for the Crows 10...