This Holy Knight set contains OVA episodes 1-2. Shinta is a student at an elite university in Tokyo, leading an ordinary and peaceful life. One day he meets Lilith, a beautiful girl from Romania who...
Max, a master thief, is spending some time behind bars, having been captured by a determined and crafty police officer. He has hidden a sizable amount of gold in Italy and is patiently waiting to get...
Pastor Luke has always known that he possessed the God-given power to inspire people, but he's never had more than a few, paltry parishioners in his small town on which to bestow his glorious gift...
Alejandro Jodorowsky The Holy Mountain ABKCO [2 DVD's] The scandal of the 1973 Cannes Film Festival, writer/director Alejandro Jodorowsky's flood of sacrilegious imagery and existential symbolism in...