Horrible Occurrences is the title of the new Advance Base album, and there is truth in advertising. In these songs-all centered around a fictional town called Richmond and featuring an interlinked...
Four-disc set includes: Green Fish (1997)After discharge from the army, Makdong (Han Suk-Kyu) returned to his neighborhood outside Seoul to find it decaying and his single mom and siblings struggling...
When Stuttgart is rocked by the sanguine serial murders of beautiful women, it doesn't take long for the eye of suspicion to fall upon oddly pale area newcomer Count Adolf Oblensky (Wal Davis). It...
In HORRIBLE HIGH HEELS, the grim story of a shoe factory owner's descent into madness is gruesomely portrayed. Driven by perverse desires, he begins a horrifying spree of brutally murdering and...
From director Riccardo Freda, (Lust Of The Vampire) comes The Horrible Dr. Hichcock (L'orrible segreto del Dr. Hichcock), the twisted and terrifying tale of Dr. Bernard Hichcock (Robert Flemyng, The...