Four-disc set includes: Frankenstein And The Monster From Hell (1950)The final installment in Hammer's Frankenstein series-as well as director Terence Fisher's swan song-finds Peter Cushing as the...
This 141 minute double feature DVD stars the Ritz Brothers, Anita Louis, and Bela Lugosi in the 1939 comedy Gorilla. Buster Crabbe, Barton MacLane, and Julie London are feat ured in the 1944 film...
This DVD sci -fi/fantasy contains 2 films of 1956 & 1960 & are in black & white. They star Lon Chaney Jr.., Max Showal ter, Marguerite Chapman, and others.
FOUR CLASSIC HORROR FILMS IN ONE SPECIAL COLLECTION! CHILDREN OF THE CORN (1985 92 minutes): A young couple (Linda Hamilton of Terminator 2 and Peter Horton of thirty something) find themselves...