A visionary masterwork from the renowned director of COLOSSAL YOUTH, Pedro Costa's HORSE MONEY is a mesmerizing odyssey into the real, imagined and nightmarish memories of the elderly Ventura, a Cape...
Saul Indian Horse, an Ojibway boy, is torn from his family and committed to a residential school. At the school, Saul is denied the freedom to speak his language or embrace his heritage and is a...
South Wales, 2000: Animal-loving club barmaid Jan Vokes (Toni Collette) overheard patron Howard Davies (Damian Lewis) about his dabbling in racehorses-and she believed it would be a rallying point...
Set in Wales, DARK HORSE is the inspirational true story of a group of friends who decide to take on the elite 'sport of kings' and breed themselves a racehorse. Raised on a slagheap allotment, their...
When a baby sea horse named Trigger gets lost during an ocean storm it's up to two little friendly fish to get her safely back home! Their journey takes them on an epic adventure into the open ocean...