Set in the year 2196, this sci-fi adventure from director Stuart Gordon ("Re-Animator") stars Dennis Hopper as indie interstellar trucker John Canyon, who's hauling unknown-and suspicious-cargo back...
The funky, synth-fueled dance-pop that Queen had only touched upon earlier dominates this 1982 LP, which is best known for the classic duet with David Bowie Under Pressure but also features the hits...
Space Raiders Hot Cakes CD1. Laying It Down 2. Hot Cakes 3. Middlessoogie 4. Space Trucking 5. Beautiful Crazy 6. We've Got Our Own 7. Animal House 8. U Are What U Eat 9. Papa Chops 10. Mr Sunshine...
Space Vacation is the Heavy Metal band for fans of Heavy Metal. Influenced by Heavy Metal and Rock thrashers like Judas Priest, Motorhead, Van Halen, AC/DC, and Guns N Roses, Space Vacation has...