Private detective John Duval, an ex-lieutenant commander in the Royal Navy and Naval Intelligence, finds himself the prime suspect in a police hunt for a sexual killer when three women are brutally...
Director John Sturges presents a reworking of the Wyatt Earp/Doc Holliday legend and the struggle for political control of Tombstone, with a marvelous trio of antagonists: James Garner as Earp, Jason...
An unhappy wife uses her powers of manipulation to draw an infatuated man into an ill-fated jewellery heist. In 1956 Paramount studios expended a great deal of money on the The Scarlet Hour and...
Director William Wyler (Detective Story, Roman Holiday) pairs up two Hollywood legends - Humphrey Bogart (Casablanca) and Fredric March (The Best Years of Our Lives) - for their only appearance...
A powerful affirmation of the immersive potential of cinema, HAPPY HOUR is a slow-burning epic chronicling the emotional journey of four thirtysomething women in the misty seaside city of Kobe. As...